Disability Advocacy Group

Administrative Claim and Federal Court Representation

At Disability Advocacy Group, LLC we specialize in offering counsel and representation to individuals facing challenges transitioning from the workforce due to injuries or illnesses. Our commitment extends nationwide, representing claimants seeking Social Security disability benefits and long-term disability benefits under private policies.

Our experienced team is dedicated to assisting clients from the initial application stage through the entire administrative appeal process. We are well-versed in handling federal court complaints, particularly for claims repeatedly denied across various regions, such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico.

Contact us for a complementary Disability Case Evaluation.

Navigating the Disability Claim Process

Navigating the application process for disability benefits, whether through Social Security or private insurance policies, can often be overwhelming. The procedural complexities, coupled with the personal struggles of managing health conditions, may appear as significant obstacles. But, you don’t have to do it alone.

Our team is committed to providing you with guidance and assistance at every step, aiming to make the journey towards securing your benefits as smooth and stress-free as possible. We invite you to contact us for a case evaluation to explore potential collaborative solutions.

Our Case Evaluation Approach

Initial Information Gathering: To begin, our intake specialist collects all essential information required to assess your case accurately. This includes details about your work history, medical and treatment background, as well as living arrangements.

Thorough Evaluation: Next, our attorney examines your circumstances to offer an initial assessment. If necessary, we conduct further investigation to gain a comprehensive understanding of your case. We may request additional documents, decisions, or medical records.

Dedicated Representation: Should we determine that your claim is valid and that we are well-equipped to help, we will commit to representing you. This involves advocating on your behalf in interactions with administrative bodies such as Social Security, federal court, and private insurance providers for long-term disability claims.

This step-by-step process is devised to enable us to promptly identify and pursue the most effective action in your case based on your circumstances and claim status.

Meet the Team

  • Maria Bermudez


  • Eden Reisdorf


  • Gibelly Salgado


  • Corine Gordon